Wordless Wednesday 

Wordless Wednesday

#AtoZChallenge Z is for Zen

To end the A to Z Challenge I suggest everyone go find their Zen

For me right now it’s cuddled on the couch watching Doctor Who with my guy by my side and sipping a cup of tea out of my favorite coffee mug. 

Enjoy your weekend! ❤️

Wordless Wednesday


Wordless Wednesday

#AtoZChallenge: D is for Daffodils & Determination

Daffodils are my favorite flower of all time. I believe it comes from when I was younger and my Nana would plant flowers and tend to the garden. I often remember the moments she would let me get my hands dirty in the soil and play with the worms. I was a bit of a tomboy as a small child and didn’t mind getting my hands dirty or working up a sweat, or even getting my head stuck between the oil tank and chimney when I was 7 lol. Yes I alone gave my mother agida of 10 boys lol.

I also have a love of daffodils because they were the first few buds and signs of spring after wet, cold winters and to me it was a sign of a birthday present from the earth. My birthday is March 1st and it’s often cold, dark and snow covered so by the time mid to late March arrives, I would start singing because that meant the nicer weather was on it’s way and I could go out and play in the dirt with my Nana. She would often go out into the yard and pull a few buds to bring in the house just for me.

As I’ve grown older, they signify fond memories of digging in the dirt, signs of spring eternal. More importantly, or more deeply they are a reflection of  life going on in the midst of harsh cold winters or personal struggles, determination in moving on when things seem tough, beauty in their simplicity, and that year after year in the same location so many years ago, these beautiful beauties still continue to bloom even if I don’t get my hands dirty in the dirt.

A to Z Challenge, A is for Azaleas

When my grandparents bought my home in the late 50’s they planted Azalea trees. Yes trees. Well back then, they were little shrubs I’m sure. But when I was born in 1975 those little shrubs took on a life of their own. They still line my walkway, and are a staggering 6 ft tall if not taller. Mind you, I’m only 5 ft so I can’t measure much higher 😉

Here is a photo of my Nana and I when I was about 2 months old, in 1975. For reference, Nana was about 5ft 5.


Fast forward 40 years later, and those little azaleas have blossomed to booming trees. I love my azaleas, but oh the poor snow does a number on them when it hits. The weight of the snow always has me worried that their massiveness wont make it through another harsh winter. But they are strong and survive time and time again.

I remember my Nana telling me that she would put old coffee grinds, and even used brillo pads in the dirt, because Azaleas love acidic soil. Any good search on care for Azaleas would tell you acidic soil is preferred for their growth, and some compost would help as well. I can’t guarantee you’d have 6ft Azaleas, but give it 57 plus years, and your grandkids just might have some to look at.


Today’s post is part of the April 2016 A to Z Challenge. Keep coming back to read more posts as the days go on. Each day corresponds to a different letter of the alphabet, and you never know what you’re gonna get with my posts, because I’m following a Random theme again this year.

While you’re at it, give a look here at some other bloggers who are also participating in the challenge.

Monday Musings: Easter weekend wrapup

Good morning sunshine! Well, there isn’t a drop of sunshine out here on the Island today, it’s raining, dreary, damp and just plain icky. But it’s a new day, so we shouldn’t complain to much. After all we need the rain to water the grass, to bloom the flowers, to grow the vegetables, and the wine grapes too! lol

How was your Easter weekend? I hope it was one filled with love and laughter, and if you don’t celebrate Easter, I do still hope you had a lovely weekend filled with love and laughter, because you should have that all the days of the year if you ask me.

Our Easter weekend started on Thursday afternoon to be exact. I made Dave’s breakfast and lunch for him to take to work, and by noon he was calling me to come home. Oki doki smoki I’m on my way. We had a 2 oclock ferry reservation to head to Connecticut and needed to leave by 12:30 the latest to get there in time. We made the ferry just in time and were on our way for a few days away, and our first Easter together. The ferry ride is always an adventure, some trips the waves are rocking and rolling, other times it’s calm seas on the Long Island Sound.

This trip however had us in a little wavy action. We rocked side to side until we came to the wider part of the Sound. Thankfully it didn’t last all too long, and Dave took the opportunity to nap on the 1 hour 15 min ferry ride, while I ate lunch and crocheted a little bit. I even had a woman stop me to ask what it was I was crocheting.

Honestly I’m not quite sure yet. I’m just practicing some single chain crochet right now. My mom has tried teaching me for years, but I always have a problem holding the hook or keeping my lines straight. Probably gonna be a pot holder 😉

We arrived and were greeted by beautiful skies, even though there was a slight overcast with lots of wind and cool air. It is still March, and it did recently snow so anything is possible. The weather was calling for rain on and off all weekend, but it didn’t stop us.We still enjoyed lovely views, beautiful sunsets and each others company away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It was good to get away and recharge.

No trip to Mohegan Sun would be complete without a photo of the beautiful illuminated blown glass sculpture that takes up a huge part of the ground floor, and is the center of attraction for people taking pictures. Yep I was one of those people. No selfies this time but we were taking pictures on and off most of the trip. Trying to be more present and in the moment, leaving the phone behind or at least in our pockets and out of constant reach. Except for the random Instagram posts I had to share because of the crazy centerpieces on the tables at the restaurant.Wheat!? Still can’t figure that one out. Although I know the restaurant is a farm based one who knows.

But on a better note, the food we ate was spot on at, The Lansdowne Pub. OMG the Corned Beef Rueben on gluten free bun, gluten free french fries and the most delicious Thousand Island Dressing was the bombdiggity.

To dinner on Saturday evening at Ballo Restaurant, where we ended up on a whim because the music at Lansdowne was too intense for both of us, and we couldn’t find any other gluten free options within the casinos restaurants. I’m so glad Dave stopped to ask if they had a menu, and although they didn’t have a specific one, they had gluten free pasta made in separate area, majority of their food is gluten free naturally, and if I wanted something like chicken cutlet parmigiana they would grill the chicken instead of bread and fry it. Since everything was made on site and as you order it, they had the ability to create something if the need arrised. And if I didn’t see something I wanted on the menu, they would make something for me. Talk about fantastic. Our waiter, Jonathan was superb, attentive, and pretty darn funny. He made for a fun experience, and even quipped, when he brought out the P.E.I Mussels in a roasted garlic, white wine and tomato sauce, “Extra gluten mussels for the lady” followed by a hearty chuckle and stating that he wouldn’t normally joke about something serious as that, but since we seemed like a cool couple and we were joking so much already that he felt it was ok. And in my book it was. Nothing bad about a little gluten humor in good fashion as this was. Dave and I agreed the mussels were by far the best we ever had. The garlic was roasted to perfection, and I later learned it was actually a garlic confit. So sweet, subtle, and a perfect addition to the mussels.

Dave ordered the chicken cutlet parmigiana and I had the gluten free pasta with shrimp scampi and that roasted garlic again. I was a glutton. I ate every bit of food in my plate except for the shrimp tails lol. I’m never a clean plate person, but this weekend I was eating up a storm. The food was that good. It always is. As our dinner was coming to a close I mentioned to Dave that I didn’t take one picture of our food, so instead I took a photo of my cappuccino. The foam was to die for and even lasted till the bottom of the cup where I gleefully spooned it up and savored every last drop. Johnathan asked where we were from and when I said Long Island he informed us that there is a sister restaurant out in Nassau that has an awesome Tequila bar and similar food. We will be going there soon, and checking out their menu.

I stopped on the way out to let the manager know what a lovely evening we had, and how great our waiter was. He really made the evening much nicer, the attention he showed us on a very busy night, the care he took to make sure my food was made safely, and just his overall demeanor was what would bring us back again. It’s not often people take the time to thank their servers, it’s usually on a complaint that you ask to speak to the manager. I like to be different and when someone goes above and beyond, they deserve the proper recognition.

Wish I had some pictures to show, but I will say if you are ever in Mohegan Sun, check out Ballo Restaurant for a fabulous evening of food you won’t soon forget. Not just the gluten free options, but their other offerings as well.

We were sad to leave on Sunday afternoon, but reality was only an hour and a half away and we needed to get back to it sooner or later. So we were off again to take the ferry and head back to the Island we love.

I spy with my little eye: What’s that flapping in the wind?

I guess he used what most people make fun of about him to his advantage. Maybe? Maybe not is more like it. Because I see this as something I would reconsider. Is this the best his people could come up with? Really? Yes I did a double take, and was shaking my head at the fact someone was advertising it. One I don’t like bumper stickers. Period. Two, this is a stupid looking logo for a Presidential candidate. All that hair of his flapping in the wind. What is that the winds of change? No comment needed!



Wordless Wednesday
