A to Z Challenge. Epithymy

IMG_4029-1Embraced in his arms is where I long to be

Eyes closed

Exiled from the outside world

Entranced by his essence

Enraptured by his presence

Enveloped in a state of pure



Today’s A to Z Challenge post is brought to you by the letter E ~ E for Epithymy 

Epithymy~ A strong Desire or  Lust.  Not to be confused with epiphany

Image source: http://s8.favim.com/orig/72/bed-kiss-love-Favim.com-697742.jpg

26 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge. Epithymy

    • Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to incorporate obscure or obsolete words in my posts. Ones like this, truly are a work of art, to me. It does resemble something other than lust or desire, and I admit I did chuckle a little with your idea 😉 I can totally see it! Thank you again!

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