
Grab a cup of coffee, tea or beverage of choice, and have a seat with me. Put up your feet and enjoy some curious thoughts from a self-proclaimed, vivid imagination, with no rhyme or reason weaving them together.

This is where I’m supposed to sell myself, make you want to read what I have to say. I’ll try to keep it short, sweet, and to the point, without the frivolous ramblings that I would much rather do.

I’ve always loved writing, ever since kindergarten with my teacher Ms. Levine, she was an amazing teacher, and all these years later I still remember the first story I wrote. It was about shoes, single shoes, 11 or 12 left shoe’s to be exact. Well they were on a journey, across the world if they had to, to find their mate, sole mate (pun intended but not intentionally back then). They searched high and low and they each eventually find their mate.

I don’t know what sparked that interest in writing at such a young age, maybe because my Mother always read to me. Now at 39, all those years later, that spark or sparkle is showing its beautifully incandescent self all over again.

I’m ready to bask in its glow and go with it. There have been many reasons and times where I’ve left that lovely writing self behind. I think it’s about damn time I found her again…

The saying “timing is everything” I believe it to be true, so maybe this is the right time and place for me to begin again. Let’s see where it takes us, I mean me. Although I am inviting you along for the crazy but interesting ride. πŸ˜‰

Those are my Random Musings and Wanderlust for today πŸ™‚

18 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey there, I was nominated for the most valued prestige in blogdom, the “LIEBSTER AWARD” and as the rules state, I have to nominate 8 other blogs, that inspire, and have fewer than 200 followers. Will you accept my nomination of you? Let me know now, and don’t ignore me on this, or I will trash the petunias on the pathway by your site! Your friend Squatch.


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