A to Z Challenge. M is for Motivation

Motivation, I had little of it today. But eventually I did find some, in a most interesting and sweet way…

It can come in many different forms.

I used to find motivation on those Pinterest boards. Fitspiration, Thinspiration…blah blah blah.

Finally one day I woke up. The only motivation/inspiration I needed was myself and a Healthy Motivation to be a healthier version of my current self.

There is nothing wrong with any of that motivation, but sometimes it can do more harm than good. So I choose not to use those as motivating factors any longer. Yes the healthy, stronger, fitter, motivation is vital and key I believe, in acheiving those goals.


Let’s just say I’ve been lacking a little bit of motivation/inspiration the last few months, for several reasons, especially in my workout regime. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not die hard gym fanatic. I prefer outdoor activities if possible. The winter didn’t assist in that realm.

I dislike the gym, BUT once I get my motivation rolling and into a nice rhythm, I’m at the gym. I know I need to do both or a mix, or even supplement one when the other is not available. I’m not afraid of the gym, or lifting weights, I actually know I wont turn into…IF One

Or even the bottom photo, but I will gain strength and feel good from the time I put in to taking care of my body.

But I also got into a lack of motivation, because over the last few months I’ve let depression get in the way of the things I enjoy doing. It’s hard to say that, or type it, and yet it is key to why I’ve kinda been a little more quiet or not wanting to do more things.

Admitting that my dating life, or the ups and downs of it, has been putting a damper on my life in general really sucks. But it is what it is. I look forward to my walks on the trails to take my mind off things, find those long searched answers I am in need of, release stress, increase endorphines, find MOTIVATION for the rest of life. So it really does annoy me that I let some crappy guys rain on my parade.

Chin up Buttercup and lets move on!!!

The last few days I did find some motivation, and today’s motivation came as an lightbulb moment.

My Mom has been having some health issues, and today I insisted she come for a walk with me on the trail. I know she couldn’t do much of a walk, but at least she agreed to come along.

And I’m so glad she did.


She…I…We… both needed and gained a little extra motivation today. I haven’t told her yet. But this picture below, I snapped of her as she was just enjoying the moment, was my motivation for the day.


She had left me at a spot on the trail just after I snapped that little Mother Daughter selfie above. Ok wait is it a selfie if it’s more than one person? Ah who cares lol. She started walking ahead as I was looking at the picture, and when I looked up she was singing something, and waving her arms. It really was quite a sight.

So my Mama is my Motivation for today, and well sometimes everyday. And as we got back into the car she said to me.

“Thank you for the motivation today, I think since you do that blog thingy you do, and you mentioned your letter is M, you should write about Motivation. Tomorrow if it’s nice and my legs don’t hurt, lets go to the wildlife refuge out east where all the animals are and walk there. “

So I ask you all…

Where do you find your Motivation? What keeps you keeping on? 

I hope you all enjoyed today’s installment of the A to Z Challenge, brought to you by the letter M for ~ Motivation : a force or influence that causes someone to do something.

16 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge. M is for Motivation

  1. Mother’s Day is coming up, but this was a lovely post about a mother and daughter. My mother gives me the motivation to keep putting 1 foot in front of the other. She loves to walk in nature and notice the flowers and the animals. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was thinking how Mother’s day was approaching, but I felt the post had it’s place for that day. Not only for the challenge, but just because it was in that moment. It’s lovely that you have that bond with your mother and she gives you that motivation. It is essential I believe to have that connection. Thank you as always for stopping by and your lovely comments. 🙂 Please take a moment and leave your blog link in my latest post for Open House, and share your work!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: A to Z Challenge . Q is for Quirky Gal :-) | Random Musings And Wanderlust

  3. Pingback: A to Z Challenge, This Zaftig girl ROCKS! | Random Musings And Wanderlust

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